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AME Community
Helps people with developmental disabilities by providing services in neighborhood homes and in-home family support services.
The Academy of Whole Learning
A private school proving education to students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other related learning differences.
A Chance To Grow
A holistic approach to developing individual programs in the areas of speech pathology, occupational therapy, traditional and developmental vision interventions, auditory therapy, neurotechnology, elementary and early childhood education.
Bayside Pediatric Therapy
Onsite/in-home and clinic based speech therapy interventions.ic-based speech therapy interventions.
The Madison Center-Provides both speech and occupational therapy services.
Beyond Limits
A collaborative partnership venture based at Bethany Global University, offers a two-year, residential post-secondary Christian campus experience and Beyond Limits life skills certificate for qualified young adults with developmental disabilities.
Easter Seals
As America’s largest nonprofit health care organization, Easterseals is committed to the comprehensive health and wellness of the more than 1.4 million people it serves each year and is prepared to respond to the needs of the one in four Americans living with disability today with outcomes-based services for all disabilities throughout the lifespan.
Groves Academy
Leading school and learning center for students with learning disabilities and attention disorders, as well as a center for literacy instruction, education and advocacy in the state of Minnesota.
Ablenet IntelliTools provides technology to help struggling students learn to their fullest potential.
Minnesota Independence College & Community
Minnesota Life College (MICC) is a vocational and life skills training program for young adults with learning differences and autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
Minnesota State Department of Education
The Minnesota Department of Education strives to be an innovative education agency serving a wide range of customers.
U.S. Department of Education Guide - IEP
The purpose of this guidance is to assist educators, parents, and state and local educational agencies in implementing the requirements of Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) regarding Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for children with disabilities, including preschool-aged children.
Vocational & Rehabilitation Agency of Minnesota
People seeking work, businesses seeking employees, students, and those looking for a first job or returning to the workforce.
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